Category: Offroad

  • Tough Mudder – 4 May 2013

    Tough Mudder – 4 May 2013

    We took part in Tough Mudder .. It was tough especially at the last obstacle that was these wires hanging down waiting to give you quite a jolt . Paul got a good one and blacked out down in the mud because I was behind him I went down as well , as I was…

  • Durty MTB triathlon

    My first season doing triathlons was spent off road as I have always owned a mountain bike. Mountain bike triathlons are far less prevalent than road tris. This is probably due to a number of factors one of which is finding a lake close enough to a worthy MTB course that is worth racing on.…

  • Open Adventure 5

    For any who don’t know an adventure race is a mix of action and orienteering. You get a map at the start and a set time, in this case 5 hours, to get about on by MTB and running to find and dib as many spots as possible. It can be done as a solo…

  • Salomon Turbo X (aka salomon slop)

    Salomon Turbo X (aka salomon slop)

    Great cross country race, 10 miles of trail, banks, bog and slop! Big thanks to Olivia for encouraging us to do this and for driving, much appreciated! So myself, Olivia and Kev headed early this morning for the race, grey clouds but fortunately no rain. Off we went and collected our timing chips, reluctantly removed…